Air pollution makes covid-19 worse

အောက်မှာ မြန်မာလိုပါ ပါသေးတယ်နော်။  New research from Harvard shows that air pollution is linked to higher Coronavirus death rates. The more pollution in the air, the sicker people are likely to get.  Lockdown has not helped reduce air pollution in Yangon. Even though there are fewer cars, the air pollution readings for Yangon are still veryContinue reading “Air pollution makes covid-19 worse”

Bokashi Myanmar is growing!

A quick summary of everything that’s happened here at Bokashi Myanmar this past year — it’s a LOT! We recently had a visit from our bokashi colleagues from New Zealand and Belgium, and they were amazed that we’ve done – and learned – so much this year. When you’re in the middle of it allContinue reading “Bokashi Myanmar is growing!”


We had a great visit this week from Drew Binsky, global YouTube star and all-round nice guy. He’d picked up on what we’re doing with food waste here in Yangon after our TEDx talk in Yangon recently, and came out to our bokashi yard in North Dagon to see what we were up to. TurnedContinue reading “The FOOD WASTE MAN!”

Our TEDx talk in Yangon!

Taking part in a TED talk is an amazing experience. This month we got to do it here in Yangon: Inda stepped up on stage and talked about what we are doing at Bokashi Myanmar and our mantra of “Organic waste is not trash”. Months of work go into a TEDx event like this. TheContinue reading “Our TEDx talk in Yangon!”

Bokashi at the beach

Last night the team returned from Ngwe Saung, a beautiful beach some 6 or 7 hours of shaky driving west of Yangon. We’re feeling pretty happy, because we’ve started something there at the beach that hasn’t been done before. We’ve helped stop the food waste at one of the biggest hotels on the beach. We’veContinue reading “Bokashi at the beach”

Our future up in smoke?

The theme for World Environment Day this year was air pollution. A HUGE subject that gets way too little attention. Which is really a pity. Maybe that will change now? There are so many aspects of it that it’s hard to know where to start. But one central part of the problem, in Myanmar andContinue reading “Our future up in smoke?”

Hotel food waste is history!

Last week we took part in the Food & Hotel Myanmar expo in Yangon, a huge event with hundreds of chefs vying to be the best. The hotels, restaurants and resorts of Myanmar were gathered in the huge venue to soak up the inspiration — get new ideas and make new contacts. Watching these chefsContinue reading “Hotel food waste is history!”

It’s now or never, right?

Read our previous updates here! You can’t have missed that a 16-year old Swedish student, Greta Thunberg, is saying it like it is. The house is on fire, she says. And it is. Politicians, leaders, and everyone her parents age and up, have fiddled around for far too long, she says. And it’s true. ClimateContinue reading “It’s now or never, right?”

Exciting new projects and a new bokashi yard!

JANUARY 2019 Read about our project so far, it’s interesting! The November update here, October here, the September one here, and the back story here. Our mantra is that organic waste IS. NOT. TRASH.  Every day it gets clearer to us just how important that is. The streets and backyards of Yangon are filled withContinue reading “Exciting new projects and a new bokashi yard!”

Making a garden in a swamp

Read about our project so far, it’s interesting! The October update here, the September one here, and the back story here. New projects and  a ton of enthusiasm Towards the end of October the monsoon peters out and finally stops. Well, there have been a few surprise storms and we’ve had to run in allContinue reading “Making a garden in a swamp”