Gardens and parks

No more leaf burning. Beautiful gardens!

Large gardens and parks in the tropical climate of Myanmar take a lot of looking after. The green and luscious growth is beautiful – but it’s a never-ending job to keep on top of the leaves, branches and trimmings that are generated year-round. But garden waste such as this is not trash and can be composted and returned to the garden. If you have food waste from a household, hotel, restaurant or school, even better. This is what you need to know to close the loop in your park or garden, and make it not only more sustainable, but even more lush and vibrant.

Want to get started? 

We run regular training sessions for gardeners at our bokashi yard in North Dagon. We can also provide training for your gardeners onsite (check our training packages for hotels and restaurants if you also have food waste on a large-scale).

Please contact us for more information.

How to use bokashi in your park or large garden

Using food waste

Food waste that is fermented with bokashi makes an excellent base for rejuvenating your garden beds. If you have a restaurant, school or other type of large kitchen or canteen, this is what you need to know to get started.

Using dry leaves

No matter how many dry leaves you have, there is a way to use them. They can be composted in a leaf cage, in a garden compost, or donated to us for composting at Bokashi Myanmar. Here we explain more.

Make a leaf cage

A simple and very effective way of composting leaves is to make leaf cages in the places where they would otherwise be burnt. Compacting the leaves makes it possible to get a surprisingly large volume into each cage – and the compost you’ll get back after just a couple of months is valuable in your garden.

Garden compost

You can add fermented bokashi straight to a planting container and start growing. Ideal for courtyards, balconies and rooftop gardens.

Making CEM

CEM, or Concentrated Effective Microorganisms, is our ready-to-use activator for compost stacks, leaves and gardens. We supply it ready-made in 20 liter bottles, but it is more cost-effective to make your own. Here we show you how.

Handling bokashi bran in bulk

We deliver our bokashi bran in airtight barrels. Each barrel contains 30 kilos of quality bokashi bran which can be used to ferment 2 tons of food waste. Here we show you how to look after your bokashi bran so it will work as effectively as possible.

Some of our projects…

Join one of our bokashi workshops for gardeners.