Community and schools

Starting a community garden or a school garden for students is a wonderful initiative that will help people understand where their food comes from. In cities such as Yangon this is often forgotten as we lose our connection to the farms that produce our food.

Better still is to understand that food is always part of a loop that involves nurturing the soil. When people see how their old food (so-called food waste) can become the base for nutrient-rich soil, they start to see the connection. When they experience how much better food tastes when they have grown it themselves, and when that food is growing in good soil, they will start to see why it matters.

As we say all the time here at Bokashi Myanmar, “Organic waste is not trash“. It’s food for a healthy soil. Healthy soil = healthy plants.

Starting a community garden based on bokashi composting of local organic waste is very similar to the other methods described here. We will in due course prepare videos etc howing exactly how to get started, but meanwhile here are some valuable links that will help you get started.

You are also welcome to bring a study group from your community or school to visit our bokashi yard and learn hands-on from our team. More information on that here.