
The concept of “bokashi” is familiar to many farmers throughout Myanmar. Bokashi was introduced in the 1980s as a way to help farmers improve soil fertility and is still in use by many.

The basic concept is similar to what we do with food waste, but the agricultural version of bokashi is based on cow manure, rice bran and husk and other raw materials readily available to most Myanmar farmers. The materials are fermented (rather than composted), and then used on fields as an organic fertiliser. The fermentation process boosts the value of the cow manure and other inputs by increasing the bio-availability of the nutrients. The EM that is used in the fermentation process continues to add value in the soil by increasing microbial diversity and improving soil life.

We are not currently running any training programs for farmers (although we may consider this later). The following organisations may be able to help provide guidance at this stage:

Adam Smith International, Myanmar

More information:

EMRO Japan – using EM and bokashi in agriculture

Recipes and methods:

How to make CEM, Concentrated Effective Microorganisms

How to make agricultural bokashi using cow manure, rice bran and EM